3. Placeholder meshes and target variants

Continuing towards the Stage Unlock goal, I have deviated slightly to include the addition of visual features, like unique placeholder environment set-meshes that change for each stage. I have just used placeholder sets for now, so I can see the changes occurring, but finished art for stages will replace these during the art pass. Testing it works, I changed the StageCurrent variable and run the game, displaying different set meshes. Awesome. When Stages finally unlock with player score achievements, this will be automatic.

Placeholder target variants

I also updated the necessary code to instantiate targets at specific positions, and use animation times set per-stage, to animate the targets. Previously, targets were essentially bound to a position, and animated using Unity’s Animator Controller. Now, targets animate using tween functions on a single axis and are positioned randomly, to eliminate players trying to memorise sequences, and adding to replayability of levels. I also added placeholder target variants and the supporting code, allowing different targets to be chosen at random, to add visual differences to the look of the targets.

Early 3D model for the Target Character

New code stuff I have learned this week, include how to break coroutines while they were running, to stop functions such as target animation, running longer than necessary. I needed to interrupt coroutines when a target is hit, so that the target immediately descends and is destroyed. I plan to implement this feature, next week.

Target Variant 3 instantiated at Target Position 5

I also introduced a new bug, regarding the target hit visual effects, due to the target game object changing from one single target object to 5 variant target objects. Once I have reviewed and decided on how the target hit visual effects fit in the target object’s hierarchy, I will adjust the code to fix it.